Prof. Dr. Johannes Münster

Foto: © Lisa Beller
ECONtribute, Research Area “Consumer Protection”
Center for Social and Economic Behavior (C-SEB), University of Cologne
Tel: +49 - (0)221 - 470 - 4411
Gebäude 102 (SSC), 4. Etage, Raum 328
Research interests
Applied Microeconomics
Media Economics
Curriculum Vitae
Recent Papers
Sequencing Bilateral Negotiations with Externalities, with Markus Reisinger
Selective sharing of news items and the political position of news outlets. (with Julian Freitag and Anna Kerkhof) Forthcoming in: Information Economics and Policy.
Detecting coverage bias in user-generated content. (with Anna Kerkhof 2021). Forthcoming in: Journal of Media Economics.
Incumbency Dominance in Letters to the Editor: Field Experimental Evidence (with Markus Dertwinkel-Kalt and Anna Kerkhof), in: Political Communication, 36(3), 337-356.
Centralized bargaining in press wholesale (with Frank-Christian May), revise and resubmit, Journal of Industrial Economics.
Selected Publications
Online shopping and platform design with ex ante registration requirements (with Florian Morath), Management Science (2018), Vol. 64 (1), 360-380, PDF.
Subjective Evaluation versus Public Information (with Helmut Bester), Economic Theory (2016), Vol. 61 (4), 723-753.
Quantity restrictions on advertising, commercial media bias, and welfare (with Anna Kerkhof), Journal of Public Economics (2015), Vol. 131, 124-141, PDF, Online-Appendix.
Information sharing in contests (with Dan Kovenock and Florian Morath), Journal of Economics & Management Strategy (2015), Vol. 24 (3), 546-572.
Group contest success functions, Economic Theory (2009), Vol. 41 (2), 345-357.
All Equilibria of the Multi-Unit Vickrey Auction (with Andreas Blume, Paul Heidhues, Jonathan Lafky and Meixia Zhang), Games and Economic Behaviour (2009), Vol. 66 (2), 729-741.
Simultaneous Inter- and Intra-Group Conflicts, Economic Theory (2007), Vol. 32 (2), 333-352.
Selection Tournaments, Sabotage, and Participation, Journal of Economics & Management Strategy (2007), Vol. 16 (4), 943-970.