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Lara Marie Berger

Lara Marie Berger (geb. Müller)
PhD Candidate 

Tel: +49 - (0)221 - 470 - 5483
Gebäude 102 (SSC), 4. Etage, Raum 327

Office hours: Thursdays 2-3pm  
(please register via email in advance)


personal website


I am interested in how we can create media markets that best serve society. To contribute to this, I conduct mainly experimental research on the effects of interventions on digitalized media markets on consumer behavior and well-being.


Research Fields
Media Economics, Experimental Economics, Behavioral Economics


Working Paper

Debunking "fake news" on social media: short- and longer-term effects of fact checking and media literacy interventions
(with Anna Kerkhof, Felix Mindl and Johannes Münster) policy briefing R&R Journal of Public Economics

How narratives impact financial behavior
(with Sören Harrs and Bettina Rockenbach

How digital media markets amplify news sentiment


Work in Progress

Upholding a good image: Selective country comparisons in the media (with Gönül Dogan and Louis Strang)

Science literacy in the newsroom: Experimental evidence (with Anna Kerkhof, Nikola Noske and Christian Peukert)